I came across the work of the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) while writing a research paper for the Global Food Economy course on policies related to the economic viability and environmental sustainability of the Canadian beef industry. I connected with the organization and was pleased to do an internship with the CRSB and their sister organization, the Beef Cattle Research Centre (BCRC) over the summer of 2019. The CRSB is a collaborative multi-stakeholder community devoted to advancing sustainability in the Canadian beef industry, and the BCRC is the national industry-led funding agency for beef, cattle and forage research.
I had the opportunity to work on a number of research and communications projects with these two organizations, contributing to the continuous improvement of the CRSB’s Certified Sustainable Beef Framework (which provides a tool to certify farms, ranches and processing facilities against sustainability standards), and the communication of research findings to the industry and the public. I was grateful to be able to put my previous communications experience to work and apply new knowledge and abilities gained through the Master’s program into practice, while participating in the advancement of sustainability in the Canadian beef industry.

- Julia Buckingham