Course description
Through a fast paced, collaborative, process-based approach, students will explore and apply entrepreneurial principles and methodologies to create products and services that solve real world problems. In this team based workshop emphasis is placed on identifying market opportunities by leveraging proven best practices including Design Thinking and Lean methodologies to gain a deep understanding of the customer. Final presentations will be in the form of a ‘Demo Day’ where students pitch their proposed product, service, or startup.
Course Reading
- The Unexcotic Underclass
- Just Enough Research
- Design for the Real World
- The Lean Startup
Course Workbook
Identifying Extreme Users, Interviewing for Empathy, Interview Worksheet, AEIOU Framework, Customer Personas Framework, Lean Business Model Canvas, Presentation Outline
Course Learning Objectives
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Use ‘Design Thinking’ methods to conduct basic ethnographic research, create customer personas, and discover customer driven market opportunities
- Create and refine a problem/mission statement that allows for a competitive advantage
- Demonstrate an understanding of the ‘build, measure, learn” Lean method for rapid product/service prototyping, development, and testing
- Refine and deliver a pitch
Course Learning Activities
- Customer Research
- Design Thinking workshop (design research, customer personas and journey mapping)
- Lean methodology workshop (‘build, measure, learn’, business model canvas)
- Short oral presentation, or pitch, of proposed product/service
PROGRAM – Spring 2017
Week One
Remote Class1: Introduction - March 31, 2017 (9 am-10 am)
- Personal Introductions
- Share Challenge and Assignment
- Form Teams and schedule meeting times for Remote Class 2 (April 14, 2017)
- Q & A session (15 mins)
Challenge: How might we develop a product or service that addresses the needs of tourists, the elderly, or the underserved in Rome?
Week Two (April 3 – 7, 2017)
- Field Ethnography/Design Research Homework
- Identify ‘user/customer group’
- Complete the AEIO framework for observation and behavior mapping
Week Three
Remote Class 2: Research Follow-up – April 14, 2017
- 30 minutes with each group to review research and overview of interviewing
- Presentation of guide for interviewing potential customers (“Interview for Empathy”) to understand their needs and pain points
Day 1- Design Thinking Workshop (6 hours)
User Centered Design 101 Overview
From Ethnography to Insights: Clustering Exercise
OUTCOME: Problem and Opportunity Statement
From Insights to Customers: Customer Personas/Journey Mapping
OUTCOME: Target Customer Persona, Product or Service Prototype
LUNCH (12:30 – 1:15 pm)
Field Trip: Accelerator Tour and Talk with Luigi Capello
Note: Students will share out MVP concepts
Day 2- Lean Methods Workshop (10a-4p)
Lean Methodology 101 Overview
Business Model Canvas
OUTCOME: Business Model Outline
LUNCH (12:30 – 1:15 pm)
Presentation Overview
Presentation Workshopping
OUTCOME: Presentation
Day 3- Demo Day Pitch Session
Presentations with Panel
Reception to follow