BA, Classical Languages. University of California, Berkeley - California, USA
PhD, Classical Art and Archaeology, Yale University - Connecticut, USA


Teaching activity at AUR

  • AHAR 101 Ancient Material Culture (every Fall)
  • CLHS 205 Rome: Republic and Empire (every Spring)
  • LTN 101 and 102 Beginning Latin I and II (Fall and Spring)
  • AHAR 251 European Archaeology and Heritage: Ireland (1-credit, Fall 2025)
  • ARCL 305 Rome of Augustus (Fall 2025)
  • CLS 204 Classics and Comics (Spring 2023)

Publications and Works

Roman Archaeology under Italian Fascism. Taylor & Francis, 2018.

Articles and Book Chapters
“Sawdust Caesars: Roman Leadership in 20th-century Europe” in The Blackwell Companion to Ancient Leadershipedited by S. Ferrario and N. Sandridge (contracted with Wiley-Blackwell; anticipated publication 2025).

“Enacting Empire: Ancient Roman Rituals in Fascist Multimedia.” in The Roman Empire edited by S. Günther (contracted with DeGruyter; anticipated publication 2025).

“Quod mentem moneat: Monuments and memory in Bernardo Bertolucci’s The Conformist (1970).” Classical Receptions Journal 16.4 (October 2024).

“The Mirror Crack’d: The Pre-Raphaelites, Victorian Illustration, and the Fractured Classicism of Modern Fantasy.” in Classical Traditions in Modern Fantasy edited by B. Rogers and B. Stevens, Oxford University Press (January 2017).

“A Giant Corrupt Body: The Gendering of Renaissance Roma.” in Receptions of Antiquity, Constructions of Gender in European Art 1300-1600, edited by A. Poe and M. Rose, Brill Metaforms (June 2015).

“Ideological Applications: Roman Architecture and Fascist Romanità.” in The Blackwell Companion to Roman Architecture edited by C. Quenemoen and R. Ulrich (January 2014).

Et domus et collegium: Ostia’s ‘Domus del Tempio Rotondo’ Reconsidered.” in C. Mattusch and A. Donohue eds. Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston, August 23-26, 2003. Oxford: Oxbow Books (2006) 326-330.

“Myth as consolatio: Medea on Roman Sarcophagi.” Greece & Rome 51.2 (October 2004) 217-250.


Expert Consultant On...

  • Roman Archaeology
  • Roman Social History
  • Classical Literature
  • Classical Reception
  • History of Archaeology