Prof. Irene Caratelli has been at the AUR since 2010, and became an Associate Professor in 2013. Her areas of expertise encompass three disciplines: International Relations, European Studies and International Political Economy.
At the AUR, prof. Caratelli has been teaching introductory classes to Political Science; advanced classes on Democracy and Democratization; International Political Economy; The US, the EU and China.
At AUR she launched the Special Guest Seminar Series on International Relations, which complement course lectures by giving students opportunity to encounter, listen and address professionals coming from different fields (e.g. academia, policy, diplomacy, and media) on contemporary IR-related issues.
Prof. Caratelli is also promoting the IR Field Study Trips, having recently led AUR students to: Vienna, Brussels, Catalonia, Turkey. Other field trips will take place in Israel-Palestine and Russia. The field trips represent a powerful tool to engage students with a non-traditional academic approach. It is a resource of exceptional academic value for the students, enabling them to meet practitioners and go beyond the University’s classroom. Field Study Trips have also been successful in retaining students in their studies by creating strong bonds between them, which continues after the Field Study Trip experience.
Before her academic experience, Professor Caratelli worked as a policy analyst and as a consultant. She was a policy analyst at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI, a Think Tank based in Rome). There she worked in the WTO and Trade Policies Area, within the Laboratory of International Economics. In 2010 she has worked as a consultant for ResetDoC (Reset Dialogues on Civilizations), a Think Tank based in Rome, and The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) of The International Lelio Basso Foundation, on: “The European Union and Transnational Corporations in Latin America: Policies, Instruments and Actors Complicit in the Violations of People’s Rights”, which was held in Madrid.
Prof. Caratelli has teaching experience also in other universities. After completing her BA, she started her academic career as a teaching assistant of International Economics at La Sapienza University, in the Department of Social and Political Science. At LUISS (Libera Università di Studi Sociali, Guido Carli) School of Government, she has taught EU International Economic Relations course within the Master in European Studies (MES) program. At St. John’s University, she offered a course on the Political Economy of International Organizations and Development.