Our Financial Aid team is always happy to discuss any aspects of financing your education face-to-face with prospective and current students. Take the opportunity to schedule a one-on-one meeting with either Zoë or Kirsty - full details are below.

Meet Zoë Johnson, Director of Financial Aid

Zoe is based in Rome; she speaks English and Italian. Zoe is a Financial Aid specialist.

Zoë lived on the east and west coasts of the USA before moving to Italy 12 years ago. Her love for all things Italian started with her Latin class in high school and she's never looked back! She got her Bachelor's in Sociology and Psychology with a concentration in Criminal Justice and a Master's in Organizational Development. Her love for numbers began when working with her father in the family's post and beam construction company, and it has served her well transitioning to financial aid a decade ago.

In her free time, Zoë loves discovering every inch of Rome's parks and green areas (there are many!) and hiking.

If you are ready to talk about AUR's cost of attendance, budgeting, and financial aid, set up an appointment with her today!

Meet Kirsty Young, Senior Financial Aid Counselor

Kirsty is also based in Rome and also speaks English and Italian.

Kirsty hails from Northumberland, UK, and has lived in Italy since 2015. Kirsty is a die-hard Harry Potter fan after making her film debut in The Philosopher's Stone before deciding acting wasn't for her. She studied English Language and Communication with English Literature in London but did a complete 180 when she started working at AUR, realizing that her real passion is in numbers!

If you’re ready to get into the weeds of cost of attendance, budgeting, and financial aid, Kirsty’s your girl!

Schedule a cost-of-attendance guidance session below