All acceptances are conditional until receiving your official & final transcripts. Failure to send official transcripts will result in a delay in registration. If your Enrollment Checklist lists the Official Transcripts as incomplete, please check the information on this page for instructions on how to complete it. Please contact your admissions counselor if you have any problems.


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Official Transcripts - Mandatory for registration

High School Transcripts
High school transcripts are considered official when all grades are updated and a graduation date has been specified. An official transcript should be sent unopened in the mail, emailed to [email protected] directly by a counselor or the registrar, or sent via your school's electronic transcript system. You can ask your registrar's office or refer to your school's website to request them.

College Transcripts
College transcripts are considered official when all grades have been updated and there is are no "In Progress" grades. An official transcript should be sent unopened in the mail, emailed to [email protected] directly by a counselor or the registrar, or be sent via your school's electronic transcript system. You can ask your registrar's office or refer to your school's website to request them. College credits will not be transferred until official transcripts are submitted.

Mailing Transcripts
When mailing transcripts please mail to

Admissions Office
The American University of Rome
Via Pietro Roselli 4
Rome, Italy 00153
Tel +39 06 5833 0919

Transcripts received directly by the student via email and transcripts that have been opened before being sent in the mail will NOT be counted as official.


Advanced placement for high school students

There are several advanced placement courses that High School students can use as transfer credits. Please read below for information and get in touch with your admissions counselor if you didn't mention these credits during your admissions process. The "Official Transcripts" item on your Enrollment Checklist will remain incomplete until official Advanced Placement scores/transcripts are received.

AP Classes
About 60 percent of U.S. high schools and 15,000 high schools worldwide offer Advanced Placement classes. AP classes are designed to prepare high school students for the rigors of college-level work. Many universities, including The American University of Rome, award students credits for high AP Scores. Taking the class alone will not suffice for transfer credits; you need to take the AP Exams to receive a score.

  • Scores of 3 receive 3 credits
  • Scores of 4 or above receive 6 credits
  • We do not award credit for a score lower than 3
  • The maximum number of credits allotted for AP courses is 30.

AUR will not award college credits until Official AP Scores have been received. Please visit CollegeBoard to request your AP test scores. Since AP Scores take some time to be mailed to AUR, we kindly ask you to take a screenshot of your scores (make sure your name is visible) and send them to [email protected] while we receive the official ones in the mail.

Dual-Enrollment College Programs
Dual-enrollment has become very popular in American high schools. High school students are allowed to take college courses for free or at a lower cost. Students can take these courses at local community college to get a head start and save money. The American University of Rome awards college credits for dual-enrollment courses. In order to be awarded college credits we need to receive your college transcripts and high school transcripts separately. Please see the College Transcripts section for details and click here for our Transfer Credit Policy.

International Baccalaureate (IB)
The IB Program is a challenging program that prepares high school students for university-level work. The American Univeristy of Rome offers credit to students pursuing the diploma and to students pursuing the certificate. Students pursuing either can send the predicted grades during the application process but must have the final Official IB transcripts sent directly from the International Baccalaureate online transcript system via email to [email protected] or via post-mail to The American University of Rome.

  • IB Higher Level examinations obtained with a minimum score of 4 or above = 6 credits awarded
  • IB Standard Level examinations obtained with a minimum score of 4 or above = 3 credits awarded
  • The extended essay with a grade of C or above = 3 credits awarded
  • The maximum number of credits allotted for IB is 30.

Students coming from schools of Higher Education in England, or systems that use the British system need a General Certificate of Education (GCE) at Advanced Subsidiary Level for freshman admittance.

  • AUR will accept all grades of C and above for A levels.
  • Grades of B and above will be awarded 10 credits.
  • Grades of C will be awarded 5 credits.

Italian Maturità
The American University of Rome acknowledges that students attending Italian high schools take an extra year (13th) in comparison to other high schools around the world. AUR offers credit for good scores in the second semester of the 13th year, and transfer credits are evaluated upon submission of the quinta pagella (13th year transcript). While we understand that the official quinta pagella cannot be kept by AUR, we kindly ask you to send a scanned version to [email protected] upon receiving it, and to take it to the admissions office during your first week of classes for verification.