News and Events

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AUR has a long history of involvement with WFP. We regularly welcome guest speakers from the Organization, our students undertake internships at its headquarters in Rome, and we are proud to have seen ten of our graduates go on to assume roles within the Organization.

Hello, we are Isaac, Samantha, and Ophelia and we are the AUR ResGrads. Our job is to help make students feel at home here in Rome.

Prof. Consolandi welcomed the students of the Master in Food Studies, inviting them to take advantage of their presence in Italy to follow the Mediterranean diet, focusing on how to strengthen the immune system. How?

In light of her recent appointment to the Board, we caught up with

Cultural Experiences Abroad (CEA Study Abroad) is curently running a webinar series entitled "Global Dialogues", a collection of cross-cultural conversations among international scholars, intellectuals, artists and entrepreneurs.

The Financial Times newspaper has published an article praising Italy (and the Italian's) response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Professor Lisa Colletta, Director of the English Writing, Literature, and Publishing Program has written a chapter, “Isherwood as Travel Writer,” in the new book Isherwood in Transit, p

The Today Show invited New York TImes bestselling author Brad Thor to choose his five must-read books for the end of the summer.