News and Events

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On the evening of September 25, 2019, a memorial to Peter Tompkins, an American-born, European-educated spy, was unveiled on the main campus of The American University of Rome.

Located just outside of Rome, the CAR acts as the largest distribution point for food in Italy and the fourth in Europe. The center is a hub for retailers to come and purchase fresh produce and fish that has been checked for quality, labeled and packaged accordingly.

On Wednesday 9 October 2019 at 18.00  Professor Paul Gwynne will give a lecture entitled 'The Villa Farnese at Caprarola and its gardens' on behalf of the British Institute of Florence.

The M.A. Cultural Heritage Students took their first fieldtrip of the semester to the historic Umbrian hilltop town of Amelia on Monday September 16, 2019.

TRESPASS is a short film that deals with a dystopian future where machines (robots) have completely taken over human life, establishing a cruel dictatorship where the only thing that matters is Productivity. 

On August 22nd, 2019, Professor Timothy Allen (B.A. Art History & B.A. Fine Art) had the privilege to present to the Rotary Club of Louisville his lecture on Caravaggio.

Congratulations to Camillo Dall'oglio (BUS'16), for this feature on RAI-TV about his family's fabulous rafting business in Umbria. Anyone who has graduated in Business over the last three years knows the thrill of Rafting Marmore's great team-building activities!

One of the most memorable evenings at AUR was the occasion in 2013 when we awarded Andrea Camilleri with an honorary degree. It was a particular thrill for me as I have long cherished his books.

Professor Paul Gwynne recently participated in a 5-day seminar organized by the Medici Archive Project and the International Studies Institute in Florence.